Brain Injury Awareness

Sheryl Hensel, America’s Brain Injury Awareness Advocate, shares her journey to recovery from a brain injury using QEST. Would you like help for whatever ails you? EncourageMints from the word of God will help, if you believe and apply them in your life. Go ahead and boost your brain with a dose of positivity each day and see how your body responds. You may quote encouraging Scriptures or speak plain truth such as: “I walk […]

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Love Conquers Hate

It was refreshing to watch Black America Since MLK And Still I Rise on PBS. I’m impressed with the way the Black Panther Party organized to protect black people from the police and to address the social ills in the Black community. They were united in purpose as they provided feeding programs, protection, sickle cell screening, school breakfast programs… Wouldn’t it be nice if our churches would exhibit that type of unity in the community? […]

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Post Election Encouragement

Look at the division in America: What happened to “One nation, under God, indivisible…”? Hmmm… It looks like the country is split down the middle. I’m reminded of President Abraham Lincoln’s famous speech in which he quoted Mark 3:24: “If a country divides itself into groups which fight each other, that country will fall apart” (GNT). I say we pray. Surely we don’t want to self-destruct while the world watches.  The post election marches remind […]

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From Bloody Sunday to Victory

Did you know that Bloody Sunday occurred on March 7, 1965 when people were attacked for seeking voting rights? The voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama (about 50 miles) began with only 600 demonstrators but reached 25,000 by the time they reached the capitol. Each one of the marchers added to the strength of the movement that resulted in passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on […]

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Is Democracy Dead?

We shall soon see if the next president of the United States will have to work with elected senators and members of congress who get paid for NOT doing their job. Is there another country where people are paid to shut down the government and thwart the plans of the country’s leader? I can only imagine what President Obama might have accomplished had he gotten the cooperation of elected officials who faithfully served their country […]

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