Was Tupac Shakur Right About Education?

A teen once offered to BUY my classroom poster poem by Tupac Shakur. Can you believe that? I checked out other poems by 2Pac like In The Event of My Demise in which he predicted his early death, and On the topic of Education. Here’s an excerpt of what he said at age 17: “There should be a class on scams, there should be a class on religious cults, there should be a class on […]

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Faith in Action, A Lesson From Bill Gates

in December 1974, Paul Allen showed Gates a magazine article about the world’s first microcomputer, the Altair 8800. Seeing an opportunity, Gates and Allen called the manufacturer, MITS, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and told the president they had written a version of the popular computer language BASIC for the Altair. When he said he’d like to see it, Gates and Allen, who actually hadn’t written anything, starting working day and night in Harvard’s computer lab. […]

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Big Guns, Bigger God

Big Guns, Bigger God I was teaching in a classroom that was suddenly surrounded by police officers and sheriffs with a noisy chopper hovering over the building. As my guest speaker was leaving, I looked out of the window and saw officers running toward my building with big guns drawn. I felt like I was on a movie set. I immediately closed and locked the door as I calmly told my guest without explanation, “You’ll […]

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