Pay Attention to Your Doodling

Is there something that you absolutely must accomplish before leaving planet earth? I had a lifelong habit of doodling until a friend asked, “What are you always writing?” My strokes were always the same but I never paid attention to “what” I scribbled. The marks on the paper looked like chicken scratch. I examined them by turning the paper around and discovered “BOOK” in seven different places. After making that discovery, my doodling habit disappeared […]

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Pride Leads to Destruction

This morning after reading a message from U S Senator Diane Feinstein about the shenanigans occurring on Capitol Hill, I was inspired to meditate on the book of Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament. Entire Democratic Caucus Urges GOP Leadership to Drop Repeal Efforts and Work in Bipartisan Way to Improve America’s Healthcare System Edom, a prideful nation that showed indifference to Israel (God’s people), received a warning that it had been condemned […]

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What’s Good About Good Friday?

Every day is good because it is a precious gift from God. But Good Friday is good because Jesus the Christ, the Son of the only true and living God, willingly gave his life for everybody’s past, present and future sins. He died like a slaughtered lamb knowing that 3 days later he would rise again.   Since the Jewish day begins at sundown, any part of a day is counted as one day. So […]

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San Bernardino School Shooting Makes My Point

My manuscript is being formatted while people are reading about issues I’ve shared in my latest book, Bliss and Blisters in Love and Marriage. I am painfully aware that the story is a familiar one. Yet, there’s still a need to remind people to open up and speak out about the pain too often present in our homes and in our hearts. Synopsis   Young Vincent Henderson, fearful that he might be killed in the Vietnam […]

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Bliss and Blisters in Love & Marriage

Prologue I am delighted to share my story of love and loss during the Vietnam War era. Perhaps our marital relationship would have been quite different had the military draft not been a reality in our young adult experience. We’ll never know. Yet, on behalf of the 58,220 young men and women who lost their lives in combat and for other causes on foreign soil (per the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC), I felt […]

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Worthy Goals

A body that’s lean Money that’s green Surroundings that are serene A house that’s pristine A flexible schedule, not routine Protection from the unforeseen A loving companion who’s not mean A person to answer the phone, not a machine Genuineness in others, not a smokescreen Help, when needed, to appear on the scene Complete trust in the Lord to intervene A heart that’s clean A mind that’s keen To believe in the Christ you have […]

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