Is Democracy Dead?

We shall soon see if the next president of the United States will have to work with elected senators and members of congress who get paid for NOT doing their job. Is there another country where people are paid to shut down the government and thwart the plans of the country’s leader? I can only imagine what President Obama might have accomplished had he gotten the cooperation of elected officials who faithfully served their country […]

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Queen Elizabeth’s Witty Remarks

While the world is anxiously watching and waiting for the outcome of America’s presidential election on November 8, 2016, Queen Elizabeth II has made an offer that proves she has given careful consideration to United States politics.  Will America accept her offer to restore British rule so history can repeat itself? That remains to be seen. The monarch’s reign of more than sixty-three years is a good indication that a woman (even a nonagenarian), is […]

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Resist Voter Apathy

A nonagenarian said she started not to vote at all in this upcoming election. That was until she recalled the blood, sweat and tears of persons who sacrificed that she might have the privilege of casting her vote at the ballot box. I believe the saying, “Speak now or forever hold your peace” is appropriate here. Hold your peace means the same as hold your tongue: “to keep silent or to not say anything about […]

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Davida’s Abortion Story

Davida’s abortion story is based on a true story. Both males and females need to know the truth about abortion and other contributors to the breakdown of the family. Fathers, you have no idea how much pain a woman often silently suffers following abortion of your baby. May each of you make an informed decision about abortion.

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