Fickle People

On June 16, 1858, future president of the United States Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous House Divided speech after he accepted the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination for United States senator. People can be so fickle. An important source of social identity and self-esteem is a person’s sense of belonging to a group, (e.g., religious denomination, college, race, social class, political party, etc.) With an US versus THEM mentality. I see prejudice (negative attitudes), stereotypes (beliefs […]

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Memorial Day Tribute to Veterans

On this Memorial Day, I salute my sister, Elizabeth Shell Carr, for years of service to Black Veterans for Social Justice. As a LCSW, her inspiration came from a desire to help female veterans suffering from military sexual trauma (MST) and the following family members who served in the armed forces: Uncle Samuel Pelzer- Army Uncle Ruben Pelzer-Army Uncle James Pelzer-Army Uncle Jervia Pelzer, Jr. – Army Sister Cynthia McNeil- Marines Brother-in-law Lewis June – […]

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Red and Green Leadership

    If you were a tomato, which color would you prefer to be?   Law #3: The Law of Process The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day             Theodore Roosevelt (TR or Teddy)   Of all the nation’s leaders, TR was said to be the toughest-mentally and physically. Yet, this child from a prominent wealthy family was sickly with a […]

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An Open Letter to President Trump

An Open Letter to President Trump, America’s King   Mister President, I implore you to read or listen to the reading of Three Arrogant Kings. The God referred to on our currency is One God, the maker of every living being, who shows no partiality. People vote, but God determines the outcome. For his own divine purpose, the King of Kings who reigns forever has allowed you to be America’s king at this time in […]

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Pray for America

While reading about Babylon’s attack against Jerusalem in Ezekiel 24:1-14, I saw where God said, “Destruction is certain for Jerusalem” (verses 6 and 9). I realized that if God did not spare this beloved City of David because of the people’s wickedness, then we need to pray for the United States of America. The USA has come so far from where it started from as a nation with the motto, “In God We Trust.” What […]

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