What Happened to the Kingdom of the Medes and the Persians?

An interesting word captured my attention while researching the fall of Babylon, Prussia, Persia, Media, parts of the Roman empire and other nations that no longer exist. The word is hybris. Hybris appeared in this excerpt of an article by J R Fears taken from http://bigthink.com/learning-from-the-past/reflections-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-empires. The Persians (referred to in the Bible) are the ancestors of the modern Iranians. But the Iran of King Darius was the leading military/political/economic power of its day.  Why then […]

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Good News: Bethany Christian Bible College Has NO Tuition

Everyone doesn’t appreciation the good news about Jesus Christ. Thus, security was provided for American missionaries as we ministered to worshipers in a small church with big hearts and great expectations in Mombasa, Kenya. It’s a privilege to be able to freely teach and preach the gospel in America! BCBC, with the motto: a school designed with “you” in mind, is offering a new class in the Fall 2017 quarter: Christian Marriage and the Family. […]

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