Desire After Divorce Addresses Rebound Dating

After spending years engaged in qualitative research and writing my dissertation on divorce among Christian leaders, I finally saw the strong link between the quest for an intimate relationship between a man and a woman and Christ and his bride, the Church.

Davida Kincaid Henderson, the adult child from a Dysfunctional family with a capital D, shares how church attendance and knowledge of God’s word helped her stay focused, and even redirected her when she got off track.

Never discount the power of a testimony. Every genuine believer in Jesus Christ ought to be able to articulate how life was before Christ, how he or she came to know Christ, and how life or perceptions on life changed since believing in Christ. Believers still face challenges, but never alone.

Included in Compassionately Addressing Divorce: A Redemptive Model of Ministry to Divorced Christian Leaders (, is a reminder of Proverbs 4:7:

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”

God established the institution of marriage at the beginning of time without consideration of tax, retirement, or health care benefits to the marriage partners. Marriage is serious and not to be entered into lightly.
I’ve designed a divorce recovery curriculum to help those who have experienced separation and divorce. Dating is included but it is not a top priority. The curriculum provides excellent instruction for biblical teaching on Christian Marriage and Family.

May God grant you healing, health and wholeness before you begin rebound dating or consider remarriage. He knows that you desire a companion. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” (Matthew 6:33). Seek Him first.

We are in the process of moving my other blog, encourageme2. to one central site. Thank you for reading and commenting. I welcome your feedback.