Encourage mints for today

“F” Words for Senior Citizens


  1. Fears- fear of falling, dying, change, and fast speeds like freeway driving and roller coasters rides; signing the wrong documents, having to live off a social security check alone, increase in minimum age limit for full retirement benefits, smelly nursing home placement, running out of money, final instructions in will and/or living trust not being followed, retirement triggering sudden death, loss of home when reverse mortgage takes effect 

2. Farewell to cooking, sexual desire, patience, driver’s license, excess carbohydrates that manufacture sugar, good tasting food with less salt and limited sugar, making left turns when driving or to the privilege of driving yourself whenever and wherever day or night; to stress over behaviors of grown children, reckless fun activities of younger days, mobility and freedom when a caregiver takes charge of your life  

3. Feelings- irritated, alone, lonely, useless, bored, impatient, dry mouth, dry eyes, unsafe, ill, technologically-challenged, forgotten by grown children, needing handrails to grip, tired, separation anxiety when weaned from the flip phone or your own home, and the need to smile through it all

4. Friends are few due to death, illness, relocation, confinement, and lack of communication; Jesus Christ is near, and lots of new friends are available globally upon request on FaceBook and automatically via AARP membership beginning at age 50; the need to tighten your relationship with your podiatrist, neurologist, chiropractor and massage therapist. A cane, walker or portable chair can be a faithful companion.

5. Finances –meager social security check, medical directive not followed, medical and prescription bills absorbing household money, paying more premiums for term insurance than contractual benefits available, paying for transport to ER when calling 9-1-1

6. Forgetting-medication in pillbox, names and numbers, to call Access for transportation, not to take calls from telemarketers; side effects of medications, less water means less blood volume, throw rugs should grip the floor, your reading glasses 

7. Faith-in God, being triaged quickly when chest pains or shortness of breath occurs, fair treatment by caregivers, direct deposit and payments made on time, advertised senior discounts available everywhere 

8. Fill each day with activities (combat slowed metabolism by staying in motion), add more than doctor appointments to your calendar, request a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit

9. Freedom-from monthly periods, you can go where you want, stay as long as you want, do what you want, be yourself, see the world, rest whenever you want, run, walk and play with whomever you choose, serve in local and foreign missions, make new friends on senior outings, recall youthful passions that produced fear of unwanted pregnancy.

10. Family-love them, visit them, spoil the grandchildren, travel, become a missionary, pray for them, hold your peace and piece, let go of the reins, name the executor of your estate, name your power of attorneycomplete your medical directive

11. Fixes include Depends, hearing aids, dentures and Fix a Dent, Access a ride and Uber, cranberry juice to curb starches turning into sugar, garlic and apple cider vinegar to reduce high blood pressure, prayer and meditation to counter fears and restlessness, fun outings to offset doctor visits, Meals on Wheels and phone in food orders when dining out is not an option, donate to charity and splurge occasionally because you can’t take wealth with you, wear comfortable shoes, put on a wig or hat, wear sunscreen and shades to protect from the sun, watch comedies to laugh and westerns for controlled violence, listen to oldies to jar your memory, work crossword puzzles and read a good book to keep your brain  alert, get testosterone shots or take Viagra, use vaginal lubricants, line dance, keep the body moving, walk it out, take Antacids like Tums, stop worrying before you go to bed, join AARP to stay informed, join a senior group, when no cure adjust to the situation, think positive thoughts, call paramedics for the ride to ER, volunteer, don’t drive on freeways, eat more fruits and vegetables, lose excess pounds around the middle, limit salt intake and eat less fried foods

12.  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.   (Ephesians 6:10) 

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.   (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2)

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

                                                                                                (Philippians 4:8)