Faith in Action, A Lesson From Bill Gates

in December 1974, Paul Allen showed Gates a magazine article about the world’s first microcomputer, the Altair 8800. Seeing an opportunity, Gates and Allen called the manufacturer, MITS, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and told the president they had written a version of the popular computer language BASIC for the Altair. When he said he’d like to see it, Gates and Allen, who actually hadn’t written anything, starting working day and night in Harvard’s computer lab. Because they did not have an Altair to work on, they were forced to simulate it on other computers. When Allen flew to Albuquerque to test the program on the Altair, neither he nor Gates was sure it would run. But run it did. Gates dropped out of Harvard and moved with Allen to Albuquerque, where they officially established Microsoft.
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Two Bible passages come to mind from this story:
1. He called things into existence that did not exist (Romans 4:17)
2. Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (James 2:17)
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