Famous Faces in Dark Places

The human brain is a vital body part, don’t you agree?

Why criticize and ostracize sick minds, when a doctor they should see?


Many great lives have ended in despair and tragedy

due to ignorance of signs, treatment options and the benefits of therapy.


Whatever mental challenge you face, someone else has been in that place

Many discovered creative solutions and found fame, not disgrace.


Let’s take a Sentimental Journey to see overcomers like actor/singer Doris Day, who in spite of panic attacks and nervous breakdowns could say, “Que Sera, Sera.”


We begin with depression, no stranger to anyone, for bouts with debilitating symptoms, many famous personalities have already won.



*Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that affects how you feel, think, and behave. It causes difficulty with work, study, sleep, eating, relationships, activities and more. Different forms of depression may develop under unique circumstances.


Abraham Lincoln, the 16th United States president, did not allow clinical depression, a nervous breakdown, loss of 8 elections and two business failures to change his destiny. What a role model for endurance and perseverance!


Television Talk Show host Ellen DeGeneres suffered depression amid homophobic attacks when her Ellen show was cut after she disclosed being gay.


Actor Brad Pitt, star in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, admitted that he smoked too much marijuana while depressed and lonely after marital separation. On a trip to Casablanca, Morocco, a close encounter with abject poverty inspired him to seek therapy. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that someone can be worse off than you and, oddly enough, fortune and fame can’t buy peace of mind. What will it take for you to seek help?


Actor and comedian Jim Carrey, The Golden Globe winner and star of Dumb and Dumber, confessed to struggling with depression at the peak of his career. He became proactive in the fight to prevent substances and medications from affecting his mood.

(Excerpt taken from the book 50 SPUNKY Poems and Pieces  by Gloria Shell Mitchell)