I Thank God for You

Right now I’m in awe at the goodness of God and how each one of us has a unique purpose for being alive at this appointed time. God sent his son Jesus Christ that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I thank God for every doctor, nurse, caregiver, garbageman, teacher, barber, hair stylist, driver, cashier, shoe shiner, physical trainer, poet, writer, administrator, preacher, parent, student, postal worker, computer geek, inventor, counselor, designer, composer, singer, artist, housekeeper, police officer, paramedic, repairman, plumber, pilot, reporter, judge, lawyer, mechanic, construction worker, missionary, engineer, fire fighter, landscaper, therapist, employee, athlete, landlord, sales person, insurance agent, security worker, cook, friend, business owner, farmer, mortician, musician, politician, volunteer, deejay… Whew! and all who are not shown on this list. It takes a whole lot of people to make a world! We need every one of you. I thank God for how you use your unique gifts and talents to make this world a better place.

Today I’m especially grateful for the skillful hands and mind of a surgeon and the marvelous creation of our incredible human bodies. For every successful surgery I praise the LORD.
“O that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” (Psalm 107:8)