Indignation 1-6-21


How dare you desecrate the Capitol with urine and feces!

Even filthy pigs refuse to defecate near their own dwelling place.

How dare you flaunt confederate flags, grim reminders of our bloody history,

Alongside swastikas, hate symbols banned in Germany.

How dare you engage in red versus blue politics

Like your favorite sports team is competing against an arch-rival. 

How dare you take an oath to uphold the U. S. Constitution,

Then manipulate and violate the laws of the land.

How dare you dismiss the deaths of those who sacrificed their lives

Following bad examples, believing fake news and baseless lies

Don’t you know that this young democracy is a city of hope, a beacon of light

And a rescue center for fledgling nations and refugees alike?

How dare you consider yourself superior

Because you fly first class while I fly economy.

Don’t you realize that at takeoff and landing 

We all go up and down together?

How dare you count me as three-fifths of a person

Yet impregnate me to produce more of my kind.

Don’t you know my breasts fed your babies,

Cleaned your messy house and dirty rump?

How dare you hate me because my dark skin is permanent

And you sunbathe to get a temporary tan.

How dare you claim white privilege when God, our Maker,

Created the human race from the dust of the earth. 

How dare you boast about living in luxury

When people around you are sleeping in tents and on the ground.

Don’t you realize that one wrong decision or bad investment

Could have you trading places or tumbling down?

How dare you espouse the sanctity of life

Yet bomb abortion clinics and destroy men and women.

How dare you condemn the innocent and coerce them to make a plea

While the guilty jeer at the system as they walk away scot free.

How dare you preach and teach Christian principles

But pray fire and brimstone will fall on your enemy.

How dare you claim to love everybody

But your actions scream, “If you’re Black, stay back.”

How dare you seek to eliminate the middle class

And create a society of those who have versus those who have not.

Don’t you know that each person replaced with technology, yes A. I.  

Challenges a head of household to seek other employment?

How dare you deport immigrants and lock some in cages

While their children await adoption like a litter of dogs.

How dare you build a border wall and waste millions on a useless project.

Don’t you know your ancestors stole this land from Native Americans?

How dare you withhold earned benefits from the elderly

By constantly raising the retirement age so they won’t collect at all.

How dare you commit cold-blooded murder in broad daylight,

Wash your hands of your crime, and get a pat on the back.

How dare you declare yourself among the rich and famous

And snub your nose at the working class.

Don’t you know many of them are over worked and underpaid

And taxed to the hilt, while you dance through tax loopholes?

How dare you ignore morality in a perverted society,

Deny justice in the courts and practice systemic racism.

How dare you house white-collar criminals in federal penthouses

Where they feed on evil masterminds like iron sharpening iron.

How dare you call right wrong and wrong right and

Engage in redlining, redistricting and voter suppression.

How dare you outsource medical supplies and life-saving meds

To countries unconcerned about the welfare of this nation.

How dare you disgrace the nation’s motto: “IN GOD WE TRUST”

And make the love of money the primary motivation for all you do.

How dare you destroy the sacred institution of marriage

And behave as if God did not make woman a suitable companion for man.

How dare you turn away from the true and living God

Gaze upon and worship a babbling maniac.

Don’t you know the devil is the father of lies,

And he delights in deceiving those who consider themselves intelligent?

How dare you warn of a virus attacking a select people group.

Does that population become infected by design or coincidence?

How dare you offer loans—not grants—to struggling small businesses

When you know the desperate borrower will become a slave to the lender.

How dare you agree to delay evictions and foreclosures

To both the under and unemployed during a national crisis 

And watch them accumulate debt that many cannot or will not pay.

Don’t we already have enough abandoned houses and people sleeping outdoors?

How dare you rescind much needed health care benefits

And attack existing affordable care insurance for millions.

How dare you legalize marijuana—the gateway drug to substance abuse,

While many remain incarcerated for illegal sale and use.

How dare you threaten people who faithfully discharge their civic duties

And stir up strife, divide households and incite riots.

How dare you pray against God’s elect and resist His decision.

Don’t you know that man casts the votes, but God determines the outcome?

How dare you condemn cultures where indoor plumbing is scarce

When you have the ability to help them dig wells

But choose to overlook their plight and lord it over them.

Don’t you know some people walk miles for contaminated drinking water?

How dare you brag about food stamps and relief doled out to the poor

And criticize their inability to climb the steep economic ladder.

How dare you scrutinize my education, background and experience

When the president must only meet two qualifications—a citizen and age 35.

How dare you discriminate against God’s children—those who truly trust Him.

Don’t you know that the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Earth, To show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him?  Rest assured that each of us will give an account to God, my brother, my sister. 

How dare you criticize the depth of my indignation

Without pondering the truth and the spirit behind each line.

Don’t you know we each have received free will and freedom of speech?

Therefore, I beseech you to decide if my emotion is justified.

                                                                           © 2021 Gloria Shell Mitchell