Pay Attention to Your Doodling

Is there something that you absolutely must accomplish before leaving planet earth?

I had a lifelong habit of doodling until a friend asked, “What are you always writing?” My strokes were always the same but I never paid attention to “what” I scribbled. The marks on the paper looked like chicken scratch. I examined them by turning the paper around and discovered “BOOK” in seven different places. After making that discovery, my doodling habit disappeared and I began journaling.

About thirty years ago I started writing the “BOOK” that turned into BOOKS.  One day I would publish my story to inspire others who face various challenges. Yes! As an overcomer I was determined to share how the Vietnam War impacted my life, redirected my career and gave me new perspectives on family.

Hooray! It is finished! Thank God I lived long enough, even through breast cancer treatment, to finish the book. Bliss and Blisters in Love & Marriage is an ebook designed for easy reading on your mobile device. I recommend it for those who plan to marry, are married, have divorced, and those who hope to remarry. It will give you new perspectives on relationships.  An audible version is coming soon. 

Whew! This baby took a long time to come forth. But on May 26, 2017 my baby was born!!!!

Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says your God. (Isaiah 66:9). God is faithful!

The cemetery will not silence my story. Don’t let it hinder your accomplishments. Go for it!

Here is the list of books about Davida Kincaid—all birthed after I paid attention to my doodling. Her life could serve as a case study on how family breakdown impacted a child’s adult relationships.

The Garbage Man’s Daughter Series:

Letting Go of Shame (Book 1)

Letting Go of SECRETS (Book 2)

Letting Go of STRESS (Book 3)

Letting Go of SCARS (Book 4)

My Knotty Decision

Bliss and Blisters in Love & Marriage

Desire After Divorce (June 2017)