Fickle People

On June 16, 1858, future president of the United States Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous House Divided speech after he accepted the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination for United States senator. People can be so fickle. An important source of social identity and self-esteem is a person’s sense of belonging to a group, (e.g., religious denomination, college, race, social class, political party, etc.) With an US versus THEM mentality. I see prejudice (negative attitudes), stereotypes (beliefs […]

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Farewell President Obama

Here is President Obama’s farewell message received January 19, 2017: My fellow Americans, It’s a long-standing tradition for the sitting president of the United States to leave a parting letter in the Oval Office for the American elected to take his or her place. It’s a letter meant to share what we know, what we’ve learned, and what small wisdom may help our successor bear the great responsibility that comes with the highest office in […]

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