Fully Aware of Breast Cancer

On October 9, 2020, I had a mastectomy. That was 26 years after having a lumpectomy in 1994 for breast cancer treatment. The disease claimed the lives of my sisters Marie and Diane. Another sister is still fighting. Ovarian cancer claimed the lives of my sisters Melba and Elizabeth. I lost my sister Carrie to cevical cancer and my brother James to colon cancer. As a survivor, for many years I helped raise money for […]

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“YES” Men Are Dangerous

This morning I was reminded that God wants our obedience with the right attitude regardless of the way things may appear. In 2 Kings 5, Naaman, commander of an army (a VIP), went to Elisha the prophet expecting a healing miracle. Without leaving his house, Elisha sent a messenger outside to tell Naaman to go wash in the Jordan River seven times and he would be cured of leprosy. “But Naaman went away angry and […]

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Brain Injury Awareness

Sheryl Hensel, America’s Brain Injury Awareness Advocate, shares her journey to recovery from a brain injury using QEST. Would you like help for whatever ails you? EncourageMints from the word of God will help, if you believe and apply them in your life. Go ahead and boost your brain with a dose of positivity each day and see how your body responds. You may quote encouraging Scriptures or speak plain truth such as: “I walk […]

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