When Enemies Become Friends

Herod and Pilate, who had been enemies before, became friends when the two insecure leaders of people in different districts didn’t know what to do about Jesus. Both Herod and Pilate knew that Jesus was an innocent man, but the Jesus haters wanted him put to death. The haters cried out with loud voices. Although the entire council took Jesus to stand before Pilate, one man, Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish high […]

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Love Conquers Hate

It was refreshing to watch Black America Since MLK And Still I Rise on PBS. I’m impressed with the way the Black Panther Party organized to protect black people from the police and to address the social ills in the Black community. They were united in purpose as they provided feeding programs, protection, sickle cell screening, school breakfast programs… Wouldn’t it be nice if our churches would exhibit that type of unity in the community? […]

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