Worthy Goals

A body that’s lean Money that’s green Surroundings that are serene A house that’s pristine A flexible schedule, not routine Protection from the unforeseen A loving companion who’s not mean A person to answer the phone, not a machine Genuineness in others, not a smokescreen Help, when needed, to appear on the scene Complete trust in the Lord to intervene A heart that’s clean A mind that’s keen To believe in the Christ you have […]

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Was Tupac Shakur Right About Education?

A teen once offered to BUY my classroom poster poem by Tupac Shakur. Can you believe that? I checked out other poems by 2Pac like In The Event of My Demise in which he predicted his early death, and On the topic of Education. Here’s an excerpt of what he said at age 17: “There should be a class on scams, there should be a class on religious cults, there should be a class on […]

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