Attitude of Gratitude

One of my radio broadcasts bears the same title as the Chicken Soup for the Soul:Attitude of Gratitude publication that includes a submission of mine. It is my sheer delight to be able to pass words of wisdom from yesteryear to future generations in my Reflections of a Septuagenarian submission. Words are immortal. Use them wisely, I say, for you never know how they can impact another person’s life. For example, when I read, “My […]

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An Open Letter to President Trump

An Open Letter to President Trump, America’s King   Mister President, I implore you to read or listen to the reading of Three Arrogant Kings. The God referred to on our currency is One God, the maker of every living being, who shows no partiality. People vote, but God determines the outcome. For his own divine purpose, the King of Kings who reigns forever has allowed you to be America’s king at this time in […]

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