Teen Moms Make A Knotty Decision

A young man’s boast about getting three girls pregnant at the same time inspired this post. Reality TV and MTV’s Teen Mom and  16 and Pregnant had so much appeal for teenagers that some became pregnant to audition for the show. See “Teens Becoming Pregnant to Get on ‘Teen Mom’? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/07/teens-becoming-pregnant-t_n_793063.html

Then the story about four fifteen-year-olds getting pregnant by the same man on a dare surfaced: http://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2014-05-07/news/four-15-year-olds-dared-each-otherto-get-pregnant-by-same-man-4879286274/

Here’s good news for you! The teen moms in this video learned a few painful lessons. Now they are on a mission to warn others about abortion and the life of a teen mom. My Knotty Decision by Gloria Shell Mitchell (available at Amazon.com) contains more explicit details and helpful information about teen pregnancy and abortion.